
Sir William Russell Flint

P.R.A., P.R.W.S., R.S.W., R.O.I., R.E.

araminta russell flint print
Limited edition of 325
Published April 1935
Image Size 13" X 9".

Araminta, a name not often heard these days.
Wikipedia describes it as, "a rare feminine given name, a cross between Aminta and Arabella meaning prayer and protection."
Published in 1935 by W.J. Stacey, Russell Flint had already become a well accomplished professional artist,
the demand for his work was going to increase enormously over the next forty years.
A very gentle, tranquil painting, capturing the subtleties of the light across the beach and sea.
The coastline and the date this picture was painted, would suggest the location was somewhere along the north east cost, possibly be the empty gleaming sands of Bamburgh.
Although this is quite an early publication Russell Flnt had been painting professionally for decades and was 55 years of age when 'Araminta' was published.